Feb 9, 2015

Haribo Style Gummy Heart Sweets ! (In Around 20 Minutes)

Picture of Haribo Style Gummy Heart Sweets ! (In Around 20 Minutes)
Just follow these easy steps to make and enjoy these delicious sweets just as i did ! The sweets take just under 20 minutes and you dont need any high tech equiptment to make them also they are very in-expensive. So what are you waiting for?
Picture of Ingredients & Utensils. DSCI0640.JPG DSCI0640.JPG DSCI0641.JPG DSCI0641.JPG DSCI0650.JPG DSCI0650.JPG DSCI0642.JPG DSCI0642.JPG DSCI0643.JPG DSCI0643.JPG DSCI0644.JPG DSCI0644.JPG DSCI0640.JPG DSCI0640.JPG
To make these delicious sweets you will need ........(note the following quantities make around 24 4 by 4 cm hearts) .


-6 sachets of powdered unflavoured gelatine (i am using Dr okter which can be found in most supermarkets)

-1 sachet of strawberry hartleys jelly powder (note if you change the flavour of jelly the colour of the product will change) . I am using sugar free jelly but normal works best .

-Half a glass of cold water in my case im using a small glass as it is roughly the same .


-Small Saucepan.

-Spatula or Wooden Spoon .

-Jelly Mould in my case a heat proof ice cube tray .

Picture of Step 1 . DSCI0649.JPG DSCI0649.JPG DSCI0650.JPG DSCI0650.JPG DSCI0652.JPG DSCI0652.JPG DSCI0655.JPG DSCI0655.JPG
Firstly mix the gelatine and jelly powder into the saucepan once the ingredients are mixed together add the glass of water the stir until  gooey blobby chunks are formed . Once completed turn the hob on to medium temperature and melt the mixture until its is in liquid form. A whisk may be handy if your mixture is lumpy.
Picture of Step 2 . DSCI0657.JPG DSCI0657.JPG
Now pour the mixture into the mould , place in freezer and leave for 10-15 minutes . Once 10 minutes is check the sweets to make sure they are set . If they arent leave them a little longer .
Picture of Enjoy. DSCI0660.JPG DSCI0660.JPG DSCI0661.JPG DSCI0661.JPG
Now remove them from the freezer and push the sweets out of their moulds if they are a little stiff try leaving them for a few minutes and then it will become easier . Now enjoy the sweets!
post from sitemap