Feb 13, 2015

How to Make Strawberry Roses

Picture of How to Make Strawberry Roses rose beaut 2b.jpg rose beaut 2b.jpg

Cut flowers may be beautiful, but you can't eat them. Why not break from tradition and make your sweetheart(s) an edible bouquet of strawberry roses instead! They're easy to make and a sweet treat to eat. I guarantee you will get huge bonus points for putting in the extra handmade effort. Here's how to make a dozen, long stemmed, strawberry roses.

Picture of Supplies
  • organic medium sized strawberries*
  • 12" bamboo skewers
  • bunch of inexpensive roses
  • green floral tape
  • pairing knife
  • rose vase
  • white sugar, rice, or small white rocks
  • whipped cream or dipping chocolate

*I bought two containers so that I'd end up with at least 14-16 good looking, similar sized berries. I wanted to end up with 12 good ones and left myself some practice wiggle room.

Picture of Collecting the Leaves rose 12.jpg rose 12.jpg rose 13.jpg rose 13.jpg

Go through the bunch of roses and pull off 12 nice looking leaves. You can then put the roses in water and either give them to your loved one along with the strawberry bouquet, or keep them for yourself!

Note: You can also make paper leaves or use leaves from silk roses if you'd prefer.

Picture of Wash the Leaves rose 17.jpg rose 17.jpg rose 18.jpg rose 18.jpg rose 19.png rose 19.png

Put the rose leaves into a colander and give them a good rinse. Rub them with your fingers under water to remove any surface residue.*

Lay them out on a cloth or paper towel and lightly press them dry.

Set them aside.

*Commercial roses are sprayed with lots of chemicals so it's important to clean them thoroughly.

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