Feb 9, 2015


Picture of Cheesecake
Let me start off my saying cheesecake is not cake, it is indeed a pie.

"Cheesecake is a large family of sweet, cheese-based pies. Cheesecakes are generally made with soft, fresh cheeses. Other ingredients such as sugar, eggs, flour, and cream are often mixed in as well. Typically, the filling covers a crust, which may be pastry, cookie, or digestive biscuit."
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheesecake

The following Cheesecake is a recipe based off the recipe from the show Good Eats. I simplified it a bit, and made it fit the common size the ingredients come in. Its VERY rich and EXTREMELY high in calories. So don't read any further if you happen to like cheesecake and happen to be on a diet. I'll just leave out the part where its going to be the best cheesecake you will ever eat...
Picture of Collect ingredients IMG_0156 (Medium).JPG IMG_0156 (Medium).JPG IMG_0004 (Medium).JPG IMG_0004 (Medium).JPG IMG_0015 (Medium).JPG IMG_0015 (Medium).JPG IMG_0021 (Medium).JPG IMG_0021 (Medium).JPG IMG_0023 (Medium).JPG IMG_0023 (Medium).JPG IMG_0010 (Medium).JPG IMG_0010 (Medium).JPG IMG_0009 (Medium).JPG IMG_0009 (Medium).JPG IMG_0012 (Medium).JPG IMG_0012 (Medium).JPG
1 Spring form pan (glass Pyrex or ceramic/porcelain cookware works too. read later step)
Parchment paper

2 packages Graham Crackers
1 Stick butter
1 tablespoon sugar

3 packages of cream cheese (24oz)
1 cup sour cream
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/2 tablespoon French vanilla extract (you can add regular vanilla extract instead)
2 whole eggs
3 egg yolks (save the whites for angle food cake)
1/3 cup heavy cream (half-n-half works if you can't find heavy cream/ whipping cream)

Here's a copy of the recipe here. Print it out in notepad if you plan to make the cheesecake.
post from sitemap