Feb 9, 2015

How to Make Chocolate Easter Eggs Recipe

home made easter eggs ann reardon

Learn how to make home made chocolate Easter eggs with a surprise inside.  Easter egg hunts are so much fun, with the biggest egg always last.  One year when I was a child my mum carefully set up an Easter egg hunt with clues and notes for us to follow from one egg to the next.  The very last egg was hidden in a nest in the chicken coop.  My sister and I raced to find a flat foil and chocolatey mess, the chicken had sat in the eggs to keep them warm.  Don’t let the end of your hunt be a disappointment, fill your egg with a surprise that is sure to bring a smile to the faces of kids and adults.

In the video you’ll learn how to make lacey chocolate Easter eggs (above), surprise filled eggs without using an egg mold (below).

chocolate easter eggs filled how to reardon

Delicious chocolate eggs filled with dulce de leche

chocolate easter eggs how to cook that

Fruit and nut easter eggs and more.

how to cook that chocolate easter egg

Make sure you first learn what chocolate to use and how to temper chocolate.

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