Feb 9, 2015

Sweet Little Valentine's Day Cake Balls

Picture of Sweet Little Valentine's Day Cake Balls
When a friend or loved one does or says something that warms your heart, makes you melt, or gets your heart aflutter, you've been given a warm fuzzy. Usually a warm fuzzy is just something you feel, but on occasion someone will actually give you a real warm fuzzy, a pom pom with feet and antennae with a heartfelt message attached.

When I was young I loved to give the little pom pom warm fuzzies to people as a way of telling them how I felt and now as an adult I create edible crafts and share them on my Hungry Happenings blog. For Valentine's Day, I thought it would be fun to make an edible version of these furry little creatures. Everyone I presented them to, loved them which made me feel warm and fuzzy inside too!

Picture of Ingredients and Supplies Needed:
Ingredients: (Makes 40 cake balls)

1 baked cake (chocolate, vanilla, or any flavor that tastes good with coconut)
1/4 cup - 1/2 cup white frosting
24-32 ounces melted white confectionery coating/ candy melts*
warm fuzzy feet template
4 cups shredded coconut
liquid food coloring - neon pink or red (the grocery store variety is fine)
80 - 1/4 inch candy eyes
optional antenna decorations: red hearts and pink confetti sprinkles**

**Before you begin, if you don't have experience using confectionery coatings, read my Chocolate Making Tips (here.) Each brand of coating has different qualities, some are thicker than others, so I've given you a general idea of how much you should need for this project.  If you have leftover coating, just spread it on a parchment paper lined baking sheet and freeze until hard then keep for another use.

**As you can see in the picture, I created three different types of antennae. You can choose which you like best, or make all three. 

Supplies Needed:

mixing bowl and spoon or a stand mixer
disposable pastry bag, a squeeze bottle fitted with a small round pastry tip, or a zip top bag
parchment paper
baking sheets that fit in your freezer
zip top bags used to color your coconut
optional: #18 mini ice cream scoop (a heaping tablespoon)
fork or chocolate dipping fork
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